সোমবার, ২১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

How Many People Have Been Killed by Guns Since Newtown?

The answer to the simple question in that headline is surprisingly hard to come by. So Slate and the Twitter feed @GunDeaths are collecting data for our crowdsourced interactive. This data is necessarily incomplete. But the more people who are paying attention, the better the data will be. You can help us draw a more complete picture of gun violence in America. If you know about a gun death in your community that isn?t represented here, please tweet @GunDeaths with a citation. (If you?re not on Twitter, you can email slatedata@gmail.com.) And if you?d like to use this data yourself for your own projects, it?s open. You can download it here.

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function checkState(value,type){ for(var i=states.length-1;i>=0;i--){ if(value.toLowerCase()==states[i][type].toLowerCase()){ return true; } } return false; } function convert_state(name, to) { var output = false; for(var i=states.length-1;i>=0;i--){ if (to=='name') { if (states[i]['abbrev'].toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()){ output = states[i]['name']; break; } } else if(to=='abbrev') { if (states[i]['name'].toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()){ output = states[i]['abbrev'].toUpperCase(); break; } } } return output; } function parseDate(input) { //input: a string, MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY. returns a date. var parts = input.match(/(\d+)/g); if(parts!=null && parts.length>0){ if(parts.length==1){ //if month is specified but nothing else var today = new Date(); var todayDate = today.getDate(); var month; if(parts[0]todayDate){ //date is in last month month = today.getMonth(); } parts = [month,parts[0],today.getFullYear()] } else if(parts.length==2){ //if month and date are specified but not year var today = new Date(); var todayMonth = today.getMonth(); var year; if(parts[0]-1todayMonth){ //greater than this month, so last year year = today.getFullYear()-1; } parts.push(year); } else if(parts[2].length==2){ //if year is specified but the millenium is not specified parts[2] = '20'+parts[2]; } var output = new Date(parts[2], parts[0]-1, parts[1]); if(output=='Invalid Date'){ output = new Date(Date.parse(input)); } return output; } return false; } function decodeDate(input){ //receives a YYYY-MM-DD string and returns a date var date = input.split('-'); date= new Date(parseInt(date[0]),parseInt(date[1])-1,date[2]); return date; } if(!Array.indexOf){ Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj){ for(var i=0; i

Deaths by City Click a circle to filter deaths by location.


  • Any Age Group
  • Adult
  • Teen
  • Child

Matched Deaths: or more since Newtown

Show Methodology

Each victim under 13 years of age is designated "child"; from 13 to 17: "teen"; 18 and older: "adult."

The same icons used to represent male victims is also used to represent victims of unknown gender.

The same icons used to represent adult victims is also used to represent victims of unknown age group.

The yellow and blue backgrounds represent alternating days.

The information is collected by @gunDeaths from news reports about the deaths. The Slate interactives team and @gunDeaths continually manages and revises the data.

The data are not comprehensive because not all gun-related deaths are reported by the news media. For example, suicides often go unreported.

Source: http://feeds.slate.com/click.phdo?i=69ac6522a826ffe41ff70e9f2b4324be

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